DIT IS NIET MIJN TOERNOOI, maar zou graag hiervoor de aandacht willen vragen. Dit is een Dojo event tournooi dus hoe meer mensen er mee doen des te meer punten je kan verzamelen.
Geef het door zodat er dit misschien 1 van de beste grootste dojo event wordt.
Force Local Cup 3
June 1st, 2019
Markerkant 15 25f, 1314 AV Almere, Nederland
After a second succesful Local Cup we've decided to bring you a third in the series. This time we are introducing Mortal Kombat 11 in the mix while still hosting the usual Tekken 7 tournament.
Tekken World Tour League
This time at Force Local Cup, the Tekken Tournament will be a TWT Dojo event. This means points can be scored for said league. There is a registration cap, which means after the cap is hit no other players will be allowed to enter. It will be first come first served, so make sure to register on time!
Our Vision
Running a smooth tournament isn't our only goal. We aim to bring the fighting game community together and share some great times. This event isn't focused on professional gamers exclusively as newcomers and casual players will have the opportunity to play casual games, learn, improve and meet new people.
Registreren click op de link.
Hopelijk zien iedereen elkaar snel.