Gandido (Devil Jin) vs. Lingmassacre (Xiaoyu)- Gandido beats Lingmassacre 2-1
Ryan Hart (Kazuya) vs. KOR (Ganryu) - Ryan Hart beats KOR 2-1
Gandido vs. Ryan Hart - Ryan Hart beats Gandido (score?)
Owen (King) vs. Rip (Law) - Owen beats Rip 2-1
Som (?) vs. Cano (Eddy) - Cano beats Som 2-0
Owen vs. Lingmassacre - Owen beats Lingmassacre 2-1
KOR vs. Cano - Cano beats KOR 2-0
Owen vs. Cano - Cano beats Owen (score?)
Cano vs. Gandido - Gandido beats Cano (score?)
Grand Finals:
Gandido vs. Ryan Hart - Ryan Hart beats Gandido 3-2
Edit: Crazy drama involving technical failure in first set with match at 2-2 (finals is 3/5), final round, Gandido up on life. They replay the last game, with Ryan Hart winning 3 straight rounds.